Pharmacy Geoff :: General Health

General Health

Everyone knows about the importance of a healthy diet and making sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. In this category, there is a selection of vitamins for men and women to make sure that you dietary intake is right, and also tre


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Panadol (Paracetamol) - 500mg (24 Tablets) (Turkey)
Panadol (Paracetamol) is an antipyretic and analgesic agent. Its mechanism of action is based on blocking cyclooxygenase (COX) 1 and 2, primarily in the central division of the nervous system. It affects the centers of the heat regulating and pain centers.

Our price: $2.80
Panadol Extra (Paracetamol/Caffeine) - 500mg/65mg (24 Tablets) (Turkey)
Panadol Extra (Paracetamol/Caffeine) is a combination medication, containing Paracetamol and Caffeine. The medication has analgesic and antipyretic effects. Paracetamol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which decreases the prostaglandin levels in central nervous system by means of cyclooxygenase enzyme inhibition. Caffeine intensifies Paracetamol's pharmacological effects.

Our price: $3.56
Permite 5% Cream (Permethrin) - 50mg (60g Tube)
Permite 5% Cream containing the active ingredient permethrin is considered an insecticide type of medication. The medication works by paralyzing and killing mites, lice and their eggs. It is a safe form of treatment for scabies infestations in adults and children as young as 2 months old.

Our price: $11.21
Quantity Price
5+ Items $10.65
Pletoz (Cilostazol) - 100mg (10 Tablets)
Pletoz containing the active ingredient cilostazol is considered an anti-platelet and a vasodilator type of medication. The medication can improve blood circulation by widening blood vessels in the legs and preventing blood cells from sticking together and clotting. The tablets are used to treat intermittent claudication, a condition caused by reduced blood flow to the legs that causes muscle pain or cramps during exercise or walking.

Our price: $9.69
Quantity Price
10-19 Items $9.21
20-39 Items $9.01
40+ Items $8.72
Quinin (Quinine Sulphate) - 300mg (10 Tablets)
Quinin containing the active ingredient quinine sulphate is considered an antimalarial type of medication. The medication is used in the treatment of established malarial infections, a potentially fatal infection caused by parasites passed on to humans through mosquito bites. The tablets work by attacking the parasites once they have entered the red blood cells to prevent them from multiplying. The drug can be used to treat malaria but cannot be used as a preventative measure against it. Some patients may also use the medication as a last resort to treat night time leg cramps that are causing frequent disruption of sleep.

Our price: $2.27
Ramipres (Ramipril) - 1.25mg (10 Tablets)
Ramipres containing the active ingredient ramipril is considered an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors type of medication. It works by decreasing certain chemicals in the body to relax blood vessels and allow blood to flow more smoothly and the heart to pump blood more efficiently. The medication can be used to treat a variety of conditions such as high blood pressure (hypertension) which will lower the risk of strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems and to prevent heart failure in patients who have recently had a heart attack.

Our price: $3.73
Quantity Price
6-9 Items $3.55
10-19 Items $3.47
20+ Items $3.36
Ramipres (Ramipril) - 2.5mg (10 Tablets)
Ramipres works by reducing certain natural substance in the body to allow the blood vessels to relax and allow blood to flow more smoothly and the heart to pump blood more efficiently. The active ingredient ramipril belongs to a class of medications called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. The medication is mainly prescribed in the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure) to reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and kidney problems. It can also be used to prevent heart failure in patients who have recently had a heart attack and to protect the kidneys from harm caused by diabetes.

Our price: $4.89
Quantity Price
6-9 Items $4.64
10-19 Items $4.55
20+ Items $4.40
Rebagen (Rebamipide) - 100mg (10 Tablets)
Rebagen containing the active ingredient rebamipide is considered an amino acid derivative type of medication. It is used for mucosal protection in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers. It works by enhancing mucosal defense and scavenging free radicals. Some patients may also use the medication to treat Behcet’s disease.

Our price: $5.35
Market price: $5.95 save 10%
Rectogesic Ointment (Glyceryl Trinitrate) - 0.2% (30g)
Rectogesic Ointment containing the active ingredient glyceryl trinitrate is considered a nitrate type of medication. The ointment is used to help relieve pain associated with anal fissures, a tear in the skin lining the anal canal often caused by passing hard stools. The medication works by reducing anal pressure and increasing blood flow to help the tear heal.

Our price: $41.62
Relpax (Eletriptan) - 40mg (3 Tablets)
Relpax works by narrowing the blood vessels around the brain and reduces substances in the body that can trigger pain, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and other migraine symptoms. It can be used to treat migraine headaches when they occur but cannot be used to prevent headaches or reduce the number attacks.

Our price: $12.76