Pharmacy Geoff :: High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol

Unhealthy Cholesterol levels are another one of the major risk factors for heart disease. The good news is that Blood Cholesterol Levels can be modified, and Pharmacy Geoff has some popular medications in stock to help with this.


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Pivasta (Pitavastatin) - 1mg (10 Tablets)
Pivasta 1mg (Pitavastatin 1mg) is a type of medicine called a statin. It can be used to help treat high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia). Pivasta reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (good cholesterol) by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase.

Our price: $4.20
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Pivasta (Pitavastatin) - 2mg (10 Tablets)
Pivasta (Pitavastatin) belongs to a group of medicines called statins. Statins are used to treat cases of hypercholesterolemia. They ca reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides, and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

Our price: $4.45
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Q10 (Q10 Coenzyme/Lecithin) - 30mg/20mg (30 Capsules)
Q10 is a dietary supplement containing the Q10 coenzyme and lecithin, which helps the body absorb the substance better. The medication can be used to prevent atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases, lower cholesterol and oxidation, support heart and immune function, improve cardiovascular fitness and overall effort capacity, restore the oral mucosa and facilitates reduction of fat storage. Some people may also use supplements to increase efficiency in endurance sport disciplines and protect the body from the effects of oxidation stress

Our price: $14.93
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Questran Lite (Cholestyramine Resin) - 4g (50 Sachet)
Questran Lite is a medication used alongside healthy diet regimes to lower cholesterol levels in patients suffering from elevated levels of low-density lipoproteins. It operates by binding to bile acids in the intestines to prevent cholesterol from being reabsorbed, which causes it instead to be passed it into the feces.

Our price: $127.22
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Rosulip (Rosuvastatin) - 10mg (15 Tablets)
Rosulip (Rosuvastatin) is a statin (or HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor) used to prevent the risk of heart attack and stroke in people with heart disease or who have high risk factors of obtaining heart diesease. It can also be used in cases of hypercholesterolemia (high cholestrol) to decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

Our price: $9.18
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Rosuvas-20 (Rosuvastatin Calcium) - 20mg (10 Tablets)
Rosuvas works by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) while increasing the amount of good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein) in the body to prevent the clogging and narrowing of the arteries. The tablets when used along with a proper diet, exercise program and other lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes or needing heart bypass surgery in people with a high risk of heart disease.

Our price: $26.25
Quantity Price
10-19 Items $24.15
20+ Items $21.00
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Simlup (Simvastatin) - 10mg (10 Tablets)
Simlup works by increasing the levels of high density lipoprotein or HDL (good cholesterol) while also decreasing the amount of low density lipoprotein or LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body. The medication when used in conjunction with a proper diet, exercise program and other lifestyle changes can help decrease the amount of cholesterol that may build up in the arteries blocking blood flow. The drug can reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and the need for heart bypass surgery in people who are at high risk of developing heart and blood vessel problems.

Our price: $2.59
Quantity Price
6-9 Items $2.46
10-29 Items $2.41
30+ Items $2.33
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Simvastatin Mylan (Simvastatin) - 20mg (90 Tablets)
Arrow-Simva works by slowing the production of cholesterol in the body to decrease the amount of “bad” cholesterol (low density lipoprotein, LDL) and triglycerides and raise “good” cholesterol (high density lipoprotein, HDL) in the blood. The tablets can be used alone or along with a proper diet, exercise schedule, weight loss and other lifestyle changes to lower high cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks and other heart complications.

Our price: $11.70
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Validol (Validol) - 100mg (20 Capsules)
Validol (also called Validolum, Valofin, Menthoval or Menthyl Isovalerate) is a natural anxiolytic which also produces a sedative effect and a moderate reflex and vascular dilative action.

Our price: $3.45
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Xenical (Orlistat) - 120mg (42 Capsules)(Turkey)
Xenical should be used along with a low fat, low calorie diet and a proper exercise program to help people lose weight. It works by blocking some enzymes in the body that breaks down fats in the diet. The undigested fat will be passed through the body in bowel movement. Reducing calorie intake and weight maintenance can help prevent or treat conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol or heart disease.

Our price: $84.81
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